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Path of Exile Heist All Challenge Rewards

PoE announced the 3.12 Heist challenge rewards. If you like pets and portals, don't miss it! 

Path of Exile Heist All Challenge Rewards


PoE Heist 12 Challenge Rewards Helmet Pack

PoE Heist 12 Challenge Rewards Helmet Pack


PoE Heist 24 Challenge Rewards Cat Pet

PoE Heist 24 Challenge Rewards Cat Pet


PoE Heist 36 Challenge Rewards Portal

PoE Heist 36 Challenge Rewards Portal

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My Earthquake Bleed Poison Melt T15 boss faster than you burn Xoph and I'm Slayer 7000 hp. So I leech 30% of my maximum life every second all the time it's like 30% regen = leech 2100 per second.


New Player Should Never Play HC

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Melee is mostly bound to weapons and the actual level of your character doesn't matter

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In Path of Exile any decision at any point in time matters

Having cool armor skin =/= pay to win.Having 100 times more warehouse space = p2w. If it affects gameplay, its p2w.


People saying that there is no P2W in Path of Exile are correct

no Poe hardcore player so if i did anything wrong dont bust my head for it. all i ever learned about the game in that few play was chromatic orb, didnt learn anything about regret.

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