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Top 5 Builds for PoE Flashback League

I have been playing Flashback league for about two weeks, and I do have a lot of try in this one-month league, yes, I mean I have checkout so many builds that would be suitable for Flashback, I found Top 5 of them, so I'd like to recommend you these best PoE Flashback builds to you:


Top 5 Builds for PoE Flashback League


[PoE Flashback] Ahn's Might Juggernaut - Uber Lab Farmer - League Starter - Shaper + End Game 

This build is viable in POE 3.2 and Flashback, contrary got a few nice buffs in the Juggernaut Ascendancy changes. Pending new uniques or any major passive tree changes the gearing and passive tree from the build will likely function as the same. The Juggernaut buffs provide for us some nice boosts in damage, defense, and utility that ought to result in the develop a bit smoother to experience overall.


This can be a build that utilizes Ahn's Might like a cost-effective way of doing damage. I began with this particular build in Abyss League and could complete the Uber Lab during the day 3. As of this moment, this build has had the ability to inflict izaro modifiers within the Uber Lab in addition to being in a position to carry people through uber lab too around the budget setup. With a few investments, this build has had the ability to tackle the endgame content such as the guardians and Shaper. The good thing may be the build you utilize to farm this gear could possibly be the same one that you employ to map and take finish game.



Here's what the build can provide:

-Simple to hit 5.5k hp on bad gear with 6k being simple to hit after some investment

-Relatively fast movement with Whirling Blades and obvious speed for mapping

-Safe Uber Lab Farming with Endurance Charges and Fortify resulting in about 50% total physical damage reduction

-The opportunity to stock Poe Currency to invest in another build (or that one)

-Can transport your buddies and guildmates through Uber Lab

-This build creates a 4 Link but will get probably the most take advantage of a 5 Link setup

-By having an investment, this build can go to at least one mil shaper dps with no need of Abyssus


Passive Tree:

34 points: www.poeurl.com/bNbI


72 points: www.poeurl.com/bNbK


93 points: www.poeurl.com/bNbN


Final Tree at level 90: www.poeurl.com/bNby


You can check more details here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2048886


[PoE Flashback] Triple Herald Blade Vortex Elementalist


This is actually the Triple Herald Elementalist Blade Vortex build - my attempt to help make the Elementalist great again.

Streamlined the guide by only suggesting just one ascendancy route whether or not Inpulsa's chest can be used or otherwise.

Provided specific effective jewel setup rather of offering options.

Prioritized defenses by unconditionally taking Mother node and taking advantage of CWDT-Immortal Call Combo.

Bloodstream Rage no more suggested.




Good clear speed  

Good single target damage - Shaper kill video: 

Pretty tanky - 7-8k eHP

Fairly cheap to gear, not gated behind rare/expensive uniques. Good league starter, SSF is possible.

Scales exceptionally well in the end-game.



Blade vortex mechanics may feel clunky to some

Have to be in melee range to deal damage


Level 91 tree: www.poeurl.com/bUe8


Bandits: Alira

Crit multiplier, resists, mana regen - the lot, everything is used for this build.




Pendulum of Destruction -> Mastermind of Discord -> Shaper of Desolation -> Beacon of Ruin




Major: Brine King (prevents stunlocks)

Minor: Gruthkul (phys damage reduction) or Shakari (poison immunity)


Read the full post here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2112439


[PoE Flashback] EQ / Sunder Juggernaut - Uber Lab / Guardians - League Starter / Budget - with Videos

This will be my 3.3 league starter. I will update the build before the league starts. I will share my gear progression in 3.3 again.


My strategy for the 3.3 league start:

- do all T1-7 maps (it's ok to buy a few of them)

- buy uber trials in /trade 820 and /global 820 while doing the maps

- farm 70+ U-labs

- buy Disfavour as soon as possible




40 points: www.poeurl.com/bUfe

70 points: www.poeurl.com/bUfB

Level 84 tree: www.poeurl.com/bUfz

Level 93 tree: www.poeurl.com/bUe9


Full guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1965844


[PoE Flashback] The Swordmaster - Dual-wield crit Champion / Slayer - All Contents (updated May 3rd)

This really is my first uber elder kill, as possible still begin to see the exclamation mark above Zana. It had been tough, although not very difficult, wasted all 5 portals to obtain the auto technician. Here are a few of my advice which will make your life simpler (tested using Blade flurry):



+  For those who have greater than 20k avg damage without Concentrated effect, keep the setup with Corporation section of effect, it'll help much from the portal phases and provide you with better control of mobs.


+  Placed on Wholesomeness of ice and drop Arctic armour since elder and shaper both deal heavy cold damage. Run either Hate or Herald for dps or Blasphemy   Enfeeble for added defense. Soul from the Brine King and Yugul pantheon is extremely helpful here.


+  Look out for Madness Propagators (the floating eye-tentacle factor) that leave corrupted tar on the floor and cause your wellbeing to degen should you get up on it. Kill it as quickly as possible. The corrupted tar can be difficult to determine because it matches the color from the ground.


+  Don't panic throughout the Elder nova/ring attack that expanding around him, it lasts 8 seconds prior to the explosion. Make certain you are back within the inner ring before time expires.


+  Abyssus is harmful here, the Tentacle attack and Slam attack deals heavy physical damage and may instantly dominate 3/4 of the life pool. (My life pool was 6k in those days).


+  Slayer's endless leech turns out to be very useful here as it can certainly mitigate the result of degen ground and Elder siphon attack that targets an arc before him and deals physical damage with time or Shaper beam attack. If you're able to get hold of Elder amulet that grants maximum life leech rate then Slayer is better still


Skill tree:

Current tree: www.poeurl.com/bDOA 



> Why so little life? Only 6k

Because only 2 of my jewels have life on it and both of my rings have crappy 40 life. Try to get life roll on all of your jewels.


> What would you change to make this build HC viable?

Remove Abyssus, run Enfeeble on Blasphemy instead. I would drop half the sword cluster in Ranger area to get more life or Dodge/Spell dodge. The Perfect form is also a very good option.


> What uber enchantment should I aim for?

I prefer the 12% BF AOE over 40% damage. Getting enchantment for your curse or Arctic armor is also very good. (AA receives some duration buff in 3.1)


FInd full build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2036681


[PoE Flashback] HowTo Lightning Arrow Slayer - Beginner friendly

I am playing lightning arrow (LA) like a league starter since I have begun playing PoE several 1000 hrs ago and that I experienced lots of build variants within the time. Due to that many ppl ask me for assistance with their bow chars. To reply to individuals questions I needed to produce my very own small section of the build section. Maybe I'm able to help a couple of others with my playstyle and opinion too.


I've got a Deadeye along with a Slayer, both lvl 92 right now, however, I like the Slayer because of its survivability. Another motivation with this was, that there's no slayer with my loved LA within the poe.ninja build list :( Let us change that!



- big shatters

- strong Slayer mechanics:

-> generic damage

-> increased area of effect

-> 20% cull

-> overleech

- cheap to start with

- good scaling into the endgame

- feels so tanky with cheap gear compared to Dead Eye

- easily killed: Shaper / Guardians / Uber Atziri / Vaal Temple / Red Elder

- no Blood Rage degen



- not as fast as a Deadeye

- feels bad in uber lab

- you are not immortal (compared to a 100ex RF jugg -.-)


Skill Tree

Get a life and physical damage nodes first. Skip jewel sockets (if you cant afford them) and don't be afraid of taking +30 str/int nodes. I don't have an exact time when you should do your lab, just don't wait too long. Its worth doing it.


lvl ~15: https://bit.ly/2L8Rmw1


lvl ~40 (with 1 lab): https://bit.ly/2INFCR8


Read full article: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2127541


These are top 5 builds that can be perfectly used on Flashback league, and I think it's the right time to create your best build in Flashback now because it will finish in June when the Incursion League is releasing. Please contact us, if you want to buy POE Exalted Orb and Chaos Orb when you lack money in PoE.

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