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Uniques are not all of the same rarity

When an item is generated rarity is determined first, it can be white, magic, rare or 1 of some number of unique rarity bands. exactly how many tiers of unique there are has not been publicly revealed.


If the item is unique, a unique is chosen from the chosen unique tier.If the item is not unique, then base type etc is determined.

Uniques are not all of the same rarity

In the case of chancing, base type never needs to be determined. however if a unique tier is chosen for which no unique of that base exists, then the item defaults down to a rare. So the existence of multiple uniques for a base only affects the probabilities of getting those uniques if more than 1 is on the same tier list.


So to be clear, in a world where infernal mantle did not exist, the chances of getting shavs would remain the same. All that would happen is you would get a rare on those rolls where you would have gotten infernal mantle.

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