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I'm not fond of how you NEED the Anima Stone jewel

Skipping that jewel and the extra golems rather makes the build....Bad. Also, having the golem AI tweak on a Primdorial Might makes that rather troublesome as well, as we're then made to run that to get our golems to be agressive. The "agressive" needed to be on Anima Stone. If we're already semi-forced into running Anima, we shouldn't also be forced to run Might.


I like these stacking jewels idea, I hope Grinding Gear Games makes more...But I do still miss Threshold jewels, and I'm not really sure this will be a great, GG playstyle anyways. I might give this a try with Zombies and Mon'Te'Grul's Grasp, but I doubt it'll do as well as you made it look without a Primordial Might.


As for summoners being passive. That's kinda part of the benefit to the playstyle. With minions doing damage, you are behind them, and safer.


Are those bonuses worth it? I don't think so but nothing to skimp on. Although you get a more balanced set of stats, resummoning can be tedious and you might  be better off getting rare jewels to boost your damage. But getting Anima Stone just making use of it's +1 golem can be quite useful for (attack based) crit elemental builds since 60 crit, 60 accuracy from 1 jewel is not bad.


Please like so ziggy see's it , The next time you talk to Anyone at Grinding Gear Games can you ask them if theres any chance of locking your frames to like 30 / 60 / 120 i think i talk for a lot of people when i say this game jumps frames like crazy and not everyone has top end pc to handle the jitters in the game, if at any point they can do this i think it would increase peformance issues for a lot of people that struggle to run it , or drop frames.

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