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What do you do when you have nothing to hit on a trap doing Uber izaro?

What do you do when you have nothing to hit and you have a poe crash and you are left in game for about 8 second on a trap doing uber izaro. I know with my build I would be ok because I have 11.3k es with 30% life regen so I have 3300 life per sec + my stone golem 623 life regen per sec so I have 4015k life per sec.

Path of Exile stone golem

I had 2 Kaom's way ring the 0.02 the chieftain 0.05 node and 10 endurance charges so 15% 7% from the passive tree 1.6% from amulet and then with my stone golem it gave me 625 life regen so 5.5 regen and I was using vitality 1.6% only had a lv 19 so thats 30.7 and then there is the 4% from The Sorrow of the Divine so that’s 34.7%. I had 6 Primordial Eminence + helm enchant and a level 26 stone golem.


So I actually had 597 life regen per sec. I was looking at the level 27 line for stone golem. This is what my life base golem build. I would look like I would have 45.9 life regen per sec, 2 kaom's way 0.02 life regen per sec per endurance charge(12). So I have 12 life rengen then 12.4 from tree, then I self freeze and get 20% life regen, so I would have 45.9% life regen.


You just need 15% of physical damage taken as cold use a scolds then. When you use mana you can self freeze. When you are wearing shackles, you can put frostbite with a level 1 cwdt, then you can always keep frostbite up without stopping to self cast.

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